Česky English

My crashes and near-crashes

We learn by mistakes. Best is to learn by mistakes made by others - it hurts less. Here's a collection of mine, gathered over many years of cycling.

#1 Fall

#2 Fall

#3 Near-fall

#4 Test fall

#5 Near-collision

#7 Fall

#8 Near-crash

#9 Fall

#10 Almost run over

#11 Near-collision

#12 Near-collision

#13 Collision with a... you know

#14 A very near miss

#15 Railway siesta

#16 Collision with a car

#17 and 18: Pinched

#19 Skid and fall

#20 Almost collision with a car

#21 Almost rear-ended

#22 Yet another wipeout

#23 Near miss with a deer

#24 Assault


If we leave off test rides where falling was more or less expected, most of the dangerous situations were caused by going too fast or not looking around properly. That's the most important lesson you can learn from this list.
